Welcome to IWR Members area!!
Here you will find all the information you need to complete your product design work placement and your IWR Art Work Skills Product design course. Take your time to work through the sessions starting with session 1. We advise you watch the session animations first, they will guide you through the session. Don't forget the supporting information folder, this is where you will find all the resources for the placement that you need. Most important is picking the logbook that works for you: we have different accessible and main options of IWR logbook and also different project briefs to explain the product making all online. Also use the IWR art resources such as videos and mini art projects.
Those doing our online virtual placement do remember you can book a virtual meeting with your group for feedback or support. We look forward to seeing your work and will reply promptly to any emails or work sent in. The theme of the work experience is pattern, colour, shape and texture.
You can also contribute to the IWR website such as the Social Retail Tech hub with artwork, poems, or stories, photography, articles on life skills, your own experiences or share about hobbies, interests, sports or film reviews. Help others know their options. You can contribute your own life skill videos or design some IWR marketing materials.
You can also help others by doing your own How to draw art activities for IWR. We also need help developing new IWR communication cards that will help some of our participant's access our information. Have you your own ideas? Let us know!
Get in touch with IWR if you need more guidance to our Members area. Make use of our IWR resources, check out our online shop and ask for help if needed. Also if Buckinghamshire based and looking for customer service experience let us know and you may be able to join us at a community event where we sell our products. We work with ALL abilities. Do like us on Social Media like Facebook! PLEASE can settings complete our feedback form.
IWR Product design art work skills Course content
IWR introduction and picking products
Explore theme and IWR art resources
Introduction to marketing
Artist and employer contributions
Introduction to photo editing
IWR product designing printing processes and health and safety issues
3D printing Key rings and other extension task options
What Next? The options
This year 23/24 we are offering an additional class project to as a class or in small groups design an additional product if you as a school or college are located in Buckinghamshire or within 20 miles of High Wycombe this could be:
A glass circular chopping board
A set a four glass circle coasters with one design
A class mug
A class keyring (metal)
This is for a design to the theme of patterns and textures not for school logos.
Elsewhere in the country we would like you to do a group keyring design in addition to your individual product.
Appointment booking https://calendly.com/independentandworkready/iwr-virtual-work-experience
Important for our funding our IWR Feedback form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeHBSl7T7lQHi1R_MT4ylGbLhDLz494BFB2OYAax4P5kLtvBQ/viewform?usp=sf_link Please complete.
Attention Competition: For schools/collages on virtual work experience we are also running a optional competition with two possible themes: Artwork with the theme of the natural world so think nature, animals, flowers, the weather etc OR
Artwork with a Fantasy theme such as mythical creatures. There will be at least one winner who will get an extra product with their artwork printed. You can suggest the product or leave it to us! Open to entries January to June 2022.
Any art style so traditional art, mixed media, drawing, painting, digital art or photography. Think what would show creativity and be sellable!
Attention optional Photography extension project for our website creative area.What does being independent and Work Ready mean to you? Explain using photography and collage.
Other things to look through nearing the end of your placement
It is not always clear what a product is made from...watch this!
What do you think?
Useful External websites for different themes
Nature theme
Extension projects AFTER product design Main Briefs Time allowing.
Website contributions projects Click here
Contributions may involve art, photography, posters for a new website adult life skill gallery, creative stories or more
IWR World of work poster projects click here
World of work website contribution extension more task ideas click here
IWR Why should our customers pick your design and product over other options? Click here
IWR Art and photography extension tasks click here
Mythical creatures for website and HOPEFULLY book click here
Create your own illustrated creature and or do a character creative description.
Wellbeing subscription boxes we Hope to create click here
Create motivational messages and research content for the box
IWR What should we stock task? click here
IWR Social media task click here
IWR Sales extension task click here
IWR Setting up a business what to consider..click here
IWR Software guides
How to use CANVA click here
IWR Resize your image click here
IWR How to use the computer program and free app Auto Sketchbook click here
Read more about IWR Here
Group Mind-map board
Mind Maps will help you plan your project such as what to photography
You could try Mindmo software (Mind maps) to help you plan your projects (we can help you) but remember to also use the group digital board. https://www.mindomo.com/c/free-mind-map-software/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwsuP5BRCoARIsAPtX_wEjMEpTLQfE8lmTMoQqLJCPbkL7NJ8edV115dZZbodexlNT_j-0bHgaAqkPEALw_wcB
Getting to know you-introduction mini project
Trainee level 1 participants Group brief I creating and designing notebooks and Pencil cases
Topic brief What does it mean to be IWR
Creative area work/employment themed tasks to help others understand website topics
Ice breaking activities
Induction videos for safety Please watch ASAP
Staying safe in the home
Workstation correct posture image
Health and Safety general Risk Assessment
Incident/accident/near miss report form
Safety in the community video from Safe Suffolk-You may feel this is too basic and obvious but we need all our participants and staff to watch as you may do work in your local community.
Latest contributions from members to be added to our site
The Importance of family during COVID 19 from Kathryn
Business like ours is for everyone check out these videos
Useful other websites Mini list
St Johns Ambulance for first aid help https://www.sja.org.uk/get-advice/
Easy Health https://www.easyhealth.org.uk/
A Picture of health http://www.apictureofhealth.southwest.nhs.uk/
Mind Mental Health charity https://www.mind.org.uk/
NHS website https://www.nhs.uk/
NHS 111 for medical attention when it is not life threatening and you can not see your GP https://111.nhs.uk/
Young Minds the young person's mental health charity https://youngminds.org.uk/
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