Disability and adult life Support UK Updated Summer 2023
This section signposts to lots of websites and information especially helpful if you have a disability and covering many aspects of adult life such as work, leisure, sport, relationships,benefits, housing, money management, literacy, parenting with a disability, health and much more.
We only signpost to websites we consider trustworthy and well informed such as the UKGovernment websites, NHS websites and charity websites and onlyoccasionally other websites known to us. This information while checkedregularly to ensurerelevance is external to us (not part of IWR) so we are not responsible for theinformation. We hope you find the information useful to you. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Work support if you have a disability or health condition
Access to Work Funding Support UK Government funding if you have a disability including mental health, chronic health conditions and learning difficulties like Dyslexia you can get in work support such as equipment, hardware or software, support workers, job coaches, interpreters, mental heath support, coaching, taxis if you cannot use public transport due to your disability and much more to help someone with a disability overcome their difficulties in the workplace. How much you get depends on your needs. This funding can also help if you are looking for work. It can not be used for volunteering. It can be used for part-time/zero hours contracts or self employment. See Easy read: Access to Work – get support if you have a disability or health condition - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Detailed Access to work factsheet from the UK Government see Access to Work: factsheet for customers - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Access to Work Communication support at an interview https://www.gov.uk/guidance/apply-for-communication-support-at-a-job-interview-if-you-have-a-disability-or-health-condition-access-to-work
Access to work UK Government Mental Health support ec53c5518a22a2b2d.1692975540495.1692975540495.1692975540495.1&__hssc=119765396.2.1692975540495&__hsfp=290415126
Disability Employment Advisers and Job Centre Plus help you find work if you have a disability, part of government Job Centre Plus Contact Jobcentre Plus: How to contact Jobcentre Plus - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
UK Government Intensive Personalised Employment Support offers one-to-one support and training to help you into work if you have a disability. Intensive Personalised Employment Support: What is Intensive Personalised Employment Support - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Health and Work Programme UK Government programme helping people find and stay in work despite challenges like disability Work and Health Programme - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Disability Confident Employers Disability Confident employer scheme - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) Companies with the best disability policies, offering the best support and understanding the benefits of employees with a disability.
Reasonable Adjustments Companies have a legal and moral reasonability to make reasonable changes to a persons job role to accommodate/make a person's disability less of an issue in the workplace such as giving certain job duties to another employee, adjusting hours see Reasonable adjustments for workers with disabilities or health conditions - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) Also see What reasonable adjustments are: Reasonable adjustments at work - Acas
Employable MeMencap employment programme helping those with a learning disability get working Employ Me | Mencap
Scope employment support services offers support finding work for all individuals with any disability see Employment support services | Disability charity Scope UK
National Autism Society Work and Autism support Support at work (autism.org.uk) and the Autism at Work programme Autism at Work programme
Ambitious about Autism offers work and Autism support including their own Employment programme Employ Autism Work experience and employment | Ambitious about Autism
Change 100 a scheme by Lenard Cheshire For university students with disabilities to get paid work internships with good inclusive companies For applicants | Leonard Cheshire
Stelios Awards with Leonard Cheshire Disabled Entrepreneurs How to apply for the Stelios Awards | Leonard Cheshire
Clear Talents Profiles to help you explain your disability or health condition to your employer also shows the likely strengths from the condition Welcome to ClearTalents | ClearTalents™ At Work (cleartalentsatwork.com)
RNIB employment/ work resources for those who are blind or have significant sight issues Equality and employment | RNIB
British Association for Supported Employment for those with often complex needs BASE lists different supported employment opportunities for young people 16-24 with EHCP to gain paid employment with considerable support such as from job coaches in specialist supported organisations UK wide see Member Organisations | British Association for Supported Employment (base-uk.org)
WorkFit an employment programme for individuals with Downs Syndrome Workfit | Connecting employers and employees (dsworkfit.org.uk)
SENSE Employment support offer help with finding and keeping work if your disabled speciating in complex needs Employment support for people with complex disabilities - Sense
Vocational Profiling helping someone discover the types of work that will best suit an individual enjoy and do well at work considering their strength's, interests and hobbies to benefit all at work Vocational Profile - NDTi
ADHD Foundation Guide on ADHD and work An-Employers-Guide-to-ADHD-in-the-Workplace-Scottish-ADHD-Coalition-1.pdf (adhdfoundation.org.uk)
ADHD UK A work guide ADHD and Work | Welfare Pack to help ADHD in the workplace (adhduk.co.uk)
Do it Volunteeringnear you https://doit.life/volunteer
Get time credits as a reward when you volunteeryour time to a good cause. You can use your eared credits for rewards like days out, activities and services https://wearetempo.org/volunteers/
Princess Trust free support to develop skills for work, confidence or help setting up a business. They offer many work based short course introductions to different types of work. Lots of confidence building. They work with young people 11-30 years and aim to help the most disadvantaged including individuals with disabilities https://www.princes-trust.org.uk
Whizz Kids is a UK charity that offers young people who use a wheelchair who are aged up to age 25 work experience and employability training. They will find placements with companies suitable for an individuals interests and career hopes as well as needs and ensure accessibility of placements Employability | Children's Wheelchair Charity | Whizz Kidz | Whizz Kidz (whizz-kidz.org.uk)
CV interviews and jobs
Online CV builder https://www.cv-library.co.uk/free-cv-builder
Scope charity advice on writing a CV https://www.scope.org.uk/advice-and-support/writing-cv/
National Careers Service Interview tips https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/careers-advice/interview-advice/interview-advice
Interview adjustments you can ask for to help you overcome your disability in the interview https://www.scope.org.uk/advice-and-support/ask-for-adjustments-at-interview/
Scope job interview advice https://www.scope.org.uk/advice-and-support/job-interviews/
NAS Finding employment an online free course for young people and adults with autism to help them find paid work Finding employment (autism.org.uk)
Mencap interview tips Easy Read tips for individuals with a learning disability https://www.mencap.org.uk/sites/default/files/2017-06/Easy%20read%20guide%20about%20going%20to%20a%20job%20interview%20%282%29.pdf
Mencap Easy Read Finding a job advice for individuals with learning disabilities https://www.mencap.org.uk/advice-and-support/education-skills-and-work/finding-job/finding-work-easy-read-guides
Mencap advice for those with a learning disability on CVs, application forms and cover letters https://www.mencap.org.uk/easyread/cvs-cover-letters-and-completing-application-forms-easy-read
Mencap easy read advice on writing a CV for those with a learning disability https://www.mencap.org.uk/sites/default/files/2017-06/Easy%20Read%20guide%20about%20writing%20a%20CV.pdf
Seeability Easy Read tips to finding employment https://www.seeability.org/resources/finding-employment-easy-read
Seeability Easy Read tips for starting a job aimed at individuals with a learning disability https://www.seeability.org/resources/starting-work-easy-read
NHS example Easy read application form for NHS jobsyou can ask for application forms in different formats to help you overcome your disability when looking for work https://www.engage.england.nhs.uk/application/learning-disability-autism-network-manager-role/user_uploads/application-form-network-manager-role.pdf
Autism Speaks interview tips and tools for those with Autism https://www.autismspeaks.org/tool-kit-excerpt/job-interview
Ambitious About Autism Advice booklet on the transition to employment https://www.autismeducationtrust.org.uk/sites/default/files/2022-03/employment-toolkit-for-young-people-ambitious-about-autism-new-aet-logo.pdf
If you want to look for vacancies, use the government Find a Job service (external website)
A look at types of jobs (sectors) https://jobhelp.campaign.gov.uk/sectors-recruiting/
Help to develop your skills for work Skills for Life https://skillsforlife.campaign.gov.uk/?_sm_au_=iVVN1W1t4rH36vvPW2MN0K7K1WVjq
Employability a employment and job search website for students and graduates with a disability has a higher education focus, is aimed at graduates
Disability and Benefits
Government website Easy Read Disability benefit Personal Independence Payments Easy read: Personal Independence Payment (PIP) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
UK Government website covering all disability benefits Benefits and financial support if you're disabled or have a health condition - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Government Personal Independence Payments website for working age adults, a points system Personal Independence Payment (PIP): What PIP is for - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Disabled Facilities Grants funding to pay for adaptions to your home due to disability Disabled Facilities Grants: Overview - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Carers Allowance see Carer's Allowance: How it works - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Blind Person's Allowance Extra money you can earn before paying tax if you are blind or severely sight impaired Blind Person's Allowance: Overview - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Disability Grants a useful website for searching for grants available from different UK charities if you have a disability for example you may find a grant to pay for disability equipment or wheelchairs remember you can still get funding from the Government and NHS such as Facilities grants, Wheelchair personal budgets, Access to work grants this site is more for grants through charities when more funding is needed than is freely available Disability Grants - Charitable Funding for the Disabled (disability-grants.org)
Health Websites
NHS website The NHS website - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Find an NHS GP near you Find a GP - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Picture of Healthan easy read health website run by NHS South website aimed at those with a learning disability to help understand health and disability conditions Home | A Picture of Health | Making Health Information Easier (southwest.nhs.uk)
Easy Health aimed at helping those with a learning disability understand health conditions, all easy read Welcome to the new Easy Health! | Easy Health
Health Talk run by Oxford University Healthtalk Sharing lived health and disability experiences
NHS pay for prescriptions up front each year to get a discount so it costs less IF you have many prescriptions on a regular basis check this out Save money with a prescription prepayment certificate (PPC) - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Health Passports aimed at those with a learning disability so they can share imporant health information in a way that works for you/them see healthcare-passport.pdf (england.nhs.uk)
Learning disability register held at your GP practice of those with a learning disability so they get the best support for their needs see The learning disability register – how to sign up and why you should - United Response
MIND Mental Health charity Home - Mind
Young Minds Mental Health charity for young people YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds
NHS Talking therapies NHS talking therapies - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
National Autistic Society Autism Services Directory a large directory of useful Autism services so you can search for services near you (not limited to medical services. As an example you can find autism aware qualified counsellors. You can also find other support services like education Autism Services Directory
NHS 111 for medical attention when it is not life threatening and you can not see your GP https://111.nhs.uk/
Macmillan Cancer charity large range of easy read Cancer recourses aimed at those with a learning disability All resources | Macmillan Cancer Support
CHANGE Communication card to help those with a learning disability or autism so they can explain how they like to communicate and receive information. The card can help you share important communication choices with professionals like doctors and health care staff CHANGE-Communication-Card-v2.pdf (changepeople.org)
Mencap Greif Easy read resources to help individuals with learning disabilities understand grief such as the sadness when someone dies. Also includes information to help those supporting an individual with a learning disability cope better with grief and loss Dealing with bereavement and support with grief | Speak to a bereavement counsellor | Mencap
Macmillan Easy read grief and death booklet for individuals with learning disabilities to help them understand death and loss mac16312-er-e04-grief-and-loss-when-someone-dies-pdf (macmillan.org.uk)
National Autism Society Bereavement and grief when you have autism. A guide with further links to other resources to help those with autism better understand their experience of grief, death and loss Bereavement - a guide for autistic adults (autism.org.uk)
Disability and Education
Educational Healthcare plan EHCPfor children any young people up to age 25 to support their education if they have SEND needs Education, Health and Care plans | (IPSEA) Independent Provider of Special Education Advice
Disabled Students Allowance for those on higher education courses with disabilities including conditions like Dyslexia and mental health Disabled Students' Allowance application forms and notes for 2022 to 2023 full-time students - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Supported Internships for young people aged 16-24 with an EHCP to get work experience, employability training and support with English and maths they have a workplace and attend college see Supported internships | National Careers Service
Apprenticeships for those who have a EHCP due to their disability they can access Apprenticeships so long as they can obtain entry level 3 English and Maths before their placement ends see details here 20120.009 LDWW2019_Factsheet 7.pdf (mencap.org.uk)
Find an apprenticeship in England https://www.findapprenticeship.service.gov.uk/apprenticeshipsearch?utm_source=JobHelp&utm_medium=article&utm_campaign=autchoice
Traineeships that includes work experience, work skills and English and maths to help young people to prepare for a apprenticeship https://www.gov.uk/find-traineeship
British Association for Supported Employment for those with often complex needs BASE lists different supported employment opportunities for young people 16-24 with EHCP to gain paid employment with considerable support such as from job coaches in specialist supported organisations UK wide see Member Organisations | British Association for Supported Employment (base-uk.org)
SEND Local Offer all councils must publish their range of options and opportunities for young people with SEND covering up to age 25 see SEND Local Offers in the UK | WellChild
SEND UNLOCKED A directory of SEND services including charities, CIC's, private companies, support groups and public services The SEND unlocked Directory
SENDIASS Find your local IAS service (councilfordisabledchildren.org.uk) The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Services provides parents and young people support advice and information on SEND issues up to age 25 (not including higher education/university) that is impartial, confidential and free, available UK wide.
Natspec Specialist Special Needs private further education colleges throughout the UK Search - Natspec
Exam Access requirements to help overcome this disadvantage of a disability or health condition such as extra time, enlarged exam paper, own room, a screen reader, reading pen or reader, scribe, prompt or rest breaks or a mix of options 14_frequently asked questions.pdf (sendiss.co.uk)
Disability Sport and Leisure and living independently
Living made easy recommends equipment for everyday life and leisure for helping overcome a disability and gain independence Living Made Easy - Home
Disabled Facilities Grantsfunding to pay for adaptions to your home due to disability Disabled Facilities Grants: Overview - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Remap provided specialised tailor-made equipment to solve disability practical issues to enable independence and participation. They can make disability solutions to help disabled parents www.remap.org.uk
Demand. A charity that will provide free tailored equipment to solve practical problems resulting from disability, when a solution is hard to find, see www.demand.org.uk
Designability is a Charity made up of engineers and product designers to help people with disabilities find a product solution to a day to day problem. The individual identifies the problem they research and make a solution to increase independence and this could, like with Remap and Demand, be a parenting product issue. https://designability.org.uk/about-us/our-mission/
Driving with a Disabilitysee Driving with a disability - Driving Mobility
Disabled Diving Organisations for assessments for driving see Find a centre - Driving Mobility
Disabled Motoring see Home - Disabled Motoring UK
Motability Scheme for those who claim higher rate PIP mobility element to get adapted cars or mobility scooters through the scheme (they take some or all of your mobility PIP benefit to fund the car or scooter) Motability Scheme | Lease a car, WAV, scooter or wheelchair
Research Institute Disabled Consumer has great reviews for topics such as motoring looking at different vehicle options to different car controls to walking aids, to guides on driving with different disability and health conditions also guides on home adaptions Mobility and motoring | RiDC
Disabled Person's Bus Pass Apply for a disabled person's bus pass - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Disabled Persons railcard you get 1/3 off the standard fare and any carer who can prove they are a carer gets a 1/3 off as well Disabled Persons Railcard | Official Retailer | National Rail (disabledpersons-railcard.co.uk)
CEA Card Cinema Cardfor free carer tickets to the cinema Home - CEA Card
Many attractions offer discounts such as discounts if you have a disability and often free carer tickets both for day visits and annual passes
Autism friendly cinema screenings see here for listings National Autism Friendly Cinema Screenings | Dimensions (dimensions-uk.org)
Every Body Moves Find an opportunity | Every Body Moves
Find local to you inclusive open to all sports and leisure options includes lots of different disability focused sports and more.
Explore options at your local leisure and community centre see Active Partnerships | Active Partnerships
Better NHS Inclusive gyms https://www.better.org.uk/monthly-membership/better-hf-inclusive
Blue Badge Parking scheme so you can park near to where you are going https://www.gov.uk/blue-badge-scheme-information-council
Calibre Audio Audio books useful if you have sight issues or Dyslexia and other disabilities see Calibre Audio - Calibre Audio
Living Paintings for those with sight issues offers audio and tactile book see Books For Blind Children and Adults - Living Paintings
RNIB Audio books for those with sight issues see Books - explore our reading options available | RNIB | RNIB
Clearvision Project For those with sight issues offers tactile and brail printed books
Tourism for All offers UK accessible tourism so you can organise a holiday with your disability needs met well Accessible Tourism | Assisted Holidays - Tourism for All
Phab charity About us | Phab Clubs and social events for those with disabilities and without to socialise together and form friendships
Get inspired BBC Sports guidesintroduce different sports, examines how to get involved and normally includes disability specific options as well for each sport https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/get-inspired/25416779
Disability Tennis
Special Olympics for those with learning disabilities Special Olympics Great Britain (specialolympicsgb.org.uk)
Wheel Power Wheelchair sport Home - WheelPower
UK Deaf Sports Home - UK Deaf Sport
CP Sport Home | CP Sport | Cerebral Palsy Sport
Blind Sport Home - British Blind Sport
DSAuk - Dwarf Sports Association UK
Disability Snow Sports Disability Snowsport UK
Riding for the Disabled Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) - Enriching lives through horses
Your Local Cinema. Subtitled local cinema listings. http://yourlocalcinema.com/
Access Cards. A simple way to show people your disability needs. http://www.accesscard.org.uk
Disability Access Guide to UK Theme Parks. https://thesensoryseeker.com/2013/10/08/disability-access-guide-uk-theme-parks
Vocal Eyes provide audio description to museums, galleries, theatre and heritage for those that have sight problems. http://vocaleyes.co.uk/
Stagetext provide theatres and arts venues with captions of their performances that appear on small screens. http://www.stagetext.org
Walks with Wheelchairs UK. Walks for those with access challenges, such as being in a wheelchair. http://www.walkswithwheelchairs.com
Disabled Ramblers. Countryside walks in England and Wales. http://disabledramblers.co.uk
Accessible Countryside for All. Lists accessible walks throughout the UK, as well as accessible pubs, restaurants and leisure facilities. http://accessiblecountryside.org.uk/buckinghamshire
Health Walk. Going on a local organised walk with others, aimed at those with health conditions to get involved, walk, exercise and socialise. https://www.walkingforhealth.org.uk/walkfinder
RADAR Keys for being able to use public disabled toilets. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-ouch-22602836 Get RADAR Keys from the Disability Rights Commission. The official and only genuine Radar Key – Disability Rights UK
Changing Places is a website identifying disabled toilets throughout the UK. http://www.changing-places.org/find_a_toilet.aspx
Mobiloo attend public events throughout the UK. They list on the website with fully accessible porter loos with hoists. http://www.changing-places.org/find_a_toilet.aspx
Prevention Matters. Help to stay independent, help with everyday activities, help with transport involvement in social clubs, providing advice and guidance, to stop isolation with people aged over 18. https://www.connectionsupport.org.uk/buckinghamshire/projects/prevention-matters
Gardening for the Disabled. They promote gardening for the disabled, be that a physical disability, mental health or other conditions. They also provide grants for accessible gardens. https://www.gardeningfordisabledtrust.org.uk/services
Gardening with Arthritis Information from Versus Arthritis. This includes a useful booklet. https://www.versusarthritis.org/news/news/tips-for-gardening-with-arthritis/
Carry on Gardening. Thrive is a Charity that recommends tools and strategies to keep you gardening with a disability, by recommending equipment depending on your disability. Also includes case studies. https://www.carryongardening.org.uk/about-this-website.aspx
PETA UK design and manufacture adapted gardening tools. Useful if you have arthritis or coordination issues, like from physical disability. These make gardening more possible if you have a reduced grip or need long reach tools to make gardening possible. https://peta-uk.com
Fred’sShed is run by Fred Walden. He is a garden expert and writer who advices the NHS and others about gardening with a disability and advises about equipment that should make gardening easier and more enjoyable. https://peta-uk.com
CLA Charitable Trust provides training in horticulture, gardening and conservation to people with a disability and disadvantaged individuals. https://www.cla.org.uk/events/cla-charitable-trust#
The Disability Living Foundationhas a comprehensive guide to finding a leisure activity and specialist equipment to make that activity possible. Easier activities include: Walking, water sports, holidays, team sports, cycling, games, gardening, cooking, photography, painting, reading, television, audio and more, so worth a read. https://www.dlf.org.uk/factsheets/leisure
National Trust and Disability offers access guides, disability discounts and free Carer tickets. https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/features/access-for-everyone
English Heritage and how they accommodate various disability needs. https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/places/stonehenge/plan-your-visit/visitors-with-disabilities
Kidz to Adults are exhibitions aimed at young people with disabilities up to age 25, their families and carers covering all aspect of life with a disability. The events have taken place since 2001 https://www.kidzexhibitions.co.uk
Areobility is a Charity and Flying School in Camberley, teaching people with different impairments to fly planes. https://www.aerobility.com. Stelios Philanthropic Foundation, in partnership with Aerobility and Air League, now offer a Disabled Pilot's Scholarship. An excellent opportunity to get a full private pilot's licence.
Cycling UK have produced a useful guide to different types of adapted cycling options if you have a disability that makes cycling difficult, but you want to get involved. https://www.cyclinguk.org/article/cycling-guide/guide-to-adapted-cycles
Charlotte's Tandemsoffers tandems and trailer bikes to people with disabilities and special needs with provisions throughout the UK to help those cycle who cannot go out alone. http://charlottestandems.weebly.com/.
Cycling for AlI is a Cycling Charity run throughout the UK that offers inclusive disability cycling with a wide range of bikes and cyclicals to get everyone. involved. http://cyclingforall.org. Take a look at the types of activities from this YouTube video.
Disabled Photographers Society. UK-wide Charity promoting photography to people with disabilities. http://www.the-dps.co.uk/
Disability Arts online Directory Archive - Disability Arts Online
Shape Arts a disabled art and culture organisation providing opportunities for disabled artists. They have an annual exhibition and culture programme Our creative programme | Shape Arts
Enrych provide volunteers who pair with someone with a disability so they can participate in a social activity or leisure of their choice. See the types of work and the difference they make here. http://enrych.org.uk/.
Staying Up Late is a UK Charity that organise nights out to see bands, concerts and clubbing typically in the South East and London for people with learning disabilities that struggle to get to go or, at least stay, until the end of these evenings due to support worker issues, but the Charity offer these events. http://stayuplate.org/about/
Berkel Bikes offer a range of disability cycle bikes for outside use, and an exercise option includes hand controls and whole body cycling. Lots of options to incorporate FES muscle stimulation, so you can use the bike and build strength and muscle mass with paralysed muscles and weak muscles. https://berkelbike.co.uk
Good Food Talks is a database of thousands of restaurants intended to help those with a visual impairment. There is also an app. https://goodfoodtalks.com
Special Effects Gaming. An Oxfordshire Charity offering adapted video gaming. See https://www.specialeffect.org.uk
One Switch is a website offering a range of video games for those with disabilities that use a switch operator due to to their disability. http://www.oneswitch.org.uk
Youreable. https://www.youreable.com/. An online disability website and community forum offering information on disability benefits, travel, education, housing, health, equipment and more.
Ableize. https://www.ableize.com. A very large disability directory covering all of the UK and topics such as disability sport, arts, education and benefits, through to mobility products and services and more. It is for and run by disabled people.
Naidex is a major disability two-day annual event held in Birmingham covering the latest disability products, services, equipment care. An innovation covering all disability areas. It is a major lifestyle event to find the latest products together and being the biggest disability event in Europe. Useful to be aware of the latest equipment, technology and disability products. http://www.naidex.co.uk
Merlin Attractions and Disability. This includes Thorpe Park, Chessington Word of Adventures, Alton Towers, Lego Land and Warwick Castle. Many other attractions, like zoos and leisure facilities offer access considerations, special needs met, discounts for people with disabilities and free Carer tickets. https://www.merlinannualpass.co.uk/information/disabled-passholders
Access Able. For searching accessible places throughout the UK, including many attractions. https://www.accessable.co.uk/pages/about
Euan’s Guide. Disabled access reviews by and for people with disabilities, providing useful information on the true accessibility of places. https://www.euansguide.com
Mobility Rough Guide to Accessibility. British and offers a comprehensive guide to Accessible Days Out. https://www.motability.co.uk/news-views-and-events/rough-guide-to-accessible-britain/
Attitude is Everything. Deaf and Disabled Access to live music. http://www.attitudeiseverything.org.uk/
Visit London Accessibility Guide. https://www.visitlondon.com/traveller-information/essential-information/accessible-london
Accessible London Theatre. Making London theatres as accessible as possible. https://officiallondontheatre.com/access/
Attitude is Live is an online huge collection of videos intended to inspire that look at chronic health and disability, but living live and being independent, taking opportunities. https://attitudelive.com/
ShopMobitity UK charity they have centres throughout the UK typically in town centres offering mobility equipment such as wheelchairs, scooters and powerchairs to hire when going shopping or to leisure facilities ShopMobility UK | The network for ShopMobility
UK Government Easy Read going to court guide Information about court (Easy read) | COPFS
Easy Read Trading Standards Scams leaflet resource to help individuals with learning disabilities not be taken advantage of or become a victim of a scam Embedded_Conversation_Info_Sheet.pdf (friendsagainstscams.org.uk)
UK Government Understanding Parliament and voting easy read resources UK Parliament Easy Reads - Parliament UK Education
Mencap Easy read Understand voting in elections resources aimed at individuals with learning disabilities Elections | Mencap
Kent Trading Standards Free Entry 3 course on Understanding adult life topics relevant to the UK helping young people with learning disabilities to prepare for adult life. It encourages increased safety, helps to prepare for independent living and to reduce the risk of financial harm see Trading Standards free life skills resources - Kent County Council
Housing options and adult social care support
Inclusive Films provide a documentary of people with learning disabilities, explaining their housing options. https://inclusivefilms.org/our-films/a-real-home-a-real-life
Choice Support Understanding your Tenancy
My Own home Guide explores different housing options for people with disabilities. This is an easy read document https://www.bathnes.gov.uk/sites/default/files/sitedocuments/a_guide_to_housing_for_people_with_learning_difficulties_web_version.pdf
Mencap easy read housing guide for individuals with disabilities https://www.mencap.org.uk/advice-and-support/housing/housing-our-easy-read-guide
Shared Lives Scheme, offering housing with a family for someone with a learning disability. Shared lives schemes - Social care and support guide - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
HOLD is a government-shared ownership scheme to get people owning their own homes and paying also a small amount of rent for part of their home if they have a long term disability. It is therefore part rent and part buy. https://www.ownyourhome.gov.uk/scheme/hold
Gas Charity interactive House for identifying hazards and risks http://www.gassafecharity.org.uk/our-programmes/get-gas-safe-for-schools/resources/curriculum-linked-lesson/interactive-house/
Social Care Needs Assessments: This government site allows you to ask for a County Council Needs Assessment to get help with your care at home, such as to help you with support services at home or to get access to Supported Living. Also, see under Housing. https://www.gov.uk/apply-needs-assessment-social-services.
If you get a Adult Social Care package from your council to help you with your disability care needs you can use this to meet your needs such as potentially hiring personal assistants to help with your care needs. Scope the disability charity has lots of information to help with knowing your options for your personal care needs see https://www.scope.org.uk/advice-and-support/hiring-pa-for-home-care/
Home Equipment for Disability Assessment from your County Council. https://www.gov.uk/apply-home-equipment-for-disabled
Disabled Living is a registered Charity providing advice and information about disability equipment, like bathroom equipment, chairs, communication aids, stoma products, clothing aids and adapted options and more. There is a directory. The Directory from Disabled Living - Suppliers you can trust
Dyslexia Websites
British Dyslexia Association (bdadyslexia.org.uk) British Dyslexia Association
Dyslexia Gift https://www.dyslexia.com/ Looks at the strengths and gifts Dyslexia can give a person. A global website with lots of useful resources
Call Scotland https://www.callscotland.org.uk/downloads/posters-and-leaflets/ipad-apps-for-learners-with-dyslexia/ apps wheels with lots of apps and technology to help Dyslexia again very useful
Open Dyslexia https://opendyslexic.org/ a computer font that is easier to read if you have Dyslexia
Natural Reader https://www.naturalreaders.com/ Free read back computer software
My Study Bar https://www.callscotland.org.uk/mystudybar/ Free software tools very useful includes a screen reader and more
Skilswise https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/skillswise adult basic literacy and numeracy resources focused on work and adult life
Dyslexia assessments if you think you have dyslexia so you can get help in work and education Assessments - British Dyslexia Association (bdadyslexia.org.uk)
C Pen can be used to read text including potentially if agreed in access arrangements due to disability/Dyslexia in exams The original pen scanner brand for home, work and study - C-Pen (cpen.com)
Dyscalculia problems with understanding numbers
About Dyscalculia (dyscalculianetwork.com)
Mencap learning disabilities and relationships https://www.mencap.org.uk/about-us/what-we-think/relationships-and-sex-what-we-think
NSPCC learning disabilities and relationships resources https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/research-resources/schools/love-life
NHS easy read relationships resource
Autism resource on different types of relationships https://paautism.org/resource/relationships-social-story/
National Autism Society Relationships and marriage resources https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/professional-practice/autism-relationships
National Autism Society and friendships https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/family-life-and-relationships/making-friends
Scope charity disability and relationships https://www.scope.org.uk/advice-and-support/talking-about-intimacy-sex-relationships
Mencap Mate and hate crime and bullying a resource for those with learning disabilities https://www.mencap.org.uk/advice-and-support/bullying-and-discrimination/mate-and-hate-crime
Jump Cuts Moving On offer many films about real life and relationships as experienced by those with learning disabilities. http://www.jumpcuts.org.uk/shop/shop/films/moving_on
National Autistic Society, Befriending and Mentoring. To help stop social isolation if you have autism. https://www.autism.org.uk/services/community/befriending-mentoring.aspx
Relationships and Learning Disabilities. From a social workers toolkit, a look at healthy relationships workbook. This workbook allows people with learning disabilities to explore and understand about healthy relationships. http://arcwhatcom.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Healthy-Relationship-Workbook.pdf
Parents with a disability
Disabled Parent https://www.disabledparent.org.uk/ offers practical information and support and includes the ability to search by type of disability issue and age stage of baby/child for disabled parents, again, the UK based part of Disabled Pregnancy and Parenthood International. The website has lots of online publications to help with disability and parenting such as guides to parenting and pregnancy if you have a physical disability, if you are in a wheelchair, if you have a visual impairment, if you are deaf, if you are supporting learning disabilities. It also has guides on topics, such as bathing a baby and selecting a cot. The publications can be downloaded from the website in pdf format for £6 each. https://www.disabledparent.org.uk/publications
Scope’s Disabled Parents Blog. https://blog.scope.org.uk/tag/disabled-parent/
Disabled Parents Net. Lots of information for parents with disabilities. http://www.disabledparents.net/
Attitude Live is a huge database of videos about living with different disabilities or chronic conditions focused on showing how to be independent. They have a parenting and fertility page to help those with disabilities looking to be or already parents and look for ideas. https://attitudelive.com/how-to/parenting-fertility/
Deaf Parenting website for deaf parents UK. http://www.deafparent.org.uk/
A US Site, called the Disabled Parenting Project that is part of the National Research Centre for parents with disabilities. It includes parents with lots of different types of disabilities and also covers adopting when you have a disability. https://www.disabledparenting.com/
Able Thrive, the American site, has a large area on different aspects of pregnancy and parenting with a disability. https://ablethrive.com/parenting
Gingerbread is the UK charity for single parent families and has a section for single parents who have a disability. The information includes parenting with a disability, emotional support, your rights, benefits and independent living, covering topics like social care and direct payments, an online forum, blogs and details of friendship groups. https://www.gingerbread.org.uk/information/disabled-single-parents/
Easy Read Pregnancy and New-born Baby, NHS Wales leaflets include understanding ultra sounds, screening for different conditions, like Down’s Syndrome, understanding breastfeeding and baby hearing tests. https://www.nhsdirect.wales.nhs.uk/easyreads/articlelist/Pregnancy%20and%20Newborns
Health Talk Learning Disability and Pregnancy Lived Experience Easy Read. http://www.healthtalk.org/peoples-experiences/pregnancy-children/pregnancy/learning-disability-and-pregnancy-easy-read
Royal College of Nursing, Pregnancy and Disability aimed at Nurses and Midwives, as well as other professionals, but has lots of really useful real life case studies of different disabilities, lots of good practice examples and strategies. It also discusses important areas, like adult social care referrals. https://www.choiceforum.org
Working Together with Parents Network, Bristol University,for people with learning disabilities. http://www.bristol.ac.uk/sps/wtpn/. Working with professionals, working with people with learning difficulties.
Easy Read Pregnancy and New-born Baby, NHS Wales leaflets include understanding ultra sounds, screening for different conditions, like Down’s Syndrome, understanding breastfeeding and baby hearing tests. https://www.nhsdirect.wales.nhs.uk/easyreads/articlelist/Pregnancy%20and%20Newborns
Health Talk Learning Disability and Pregnancy Lived Experience Easy Read. http://www.healthtalk.org/peoples-experiences/pregnancy-children/pregnancy/learning-disability-and-pregnancy-easy-read
Sheffield Teaching Hospital, NHS Easy Read, Sterilising Baby Equipment. https://publicdocuments.sth.nhs.uk/pil3184.pdf
Easy Read NHS Guide on Understanding the Role of Health Visitorswho provide support from the end of pregnancy until five years old, to help you with your baby’s and child’s wellbeing and health. https://www.cnwl.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/CNWL_Hillingdon_Health_Visiting_leaflet_easy_read.pdf
Leicester University and Joseph Roundtree Foundation Project Research Best Practices in Supporting Disabled Parents. http://www.familyandparenting.org
RNIB resources for Blind and partially sighted parents. https://www.rnib.org.uk/information-everyday-living-family-friends-and-carers/resources-blind-or-partially-sighted-parents
Blind Motherhood is a blog and online resource created by Holly, a blind mother and Social Worker from New York. She has lots of resources and they are not just about parenting, many are about life blind. https://blindmotherhood.com/the-mission/
Blind Mum’s Connect is a organisation and support group for blind, and partially-sighted Mums have meet-ups in person throughout the UK and also Skye meet-ups. http://www.blindmumsconnect.org.uk/about-us/
Access to Books offers brail and large print books, including Early Years books. http://access2books.com/early-learning-braille-14/
Change Parenting Projects for people with learning disabilities, easy read parenting books. https://www.changepeople.org/our-work/parenting-projects
Raising Children.net. Australian parenting site with lots of parenting videos for all and personal experiences. Also has lots of Parenting in pictures guides with step by step pictures for everyday parenting tasks covers pregnancy to teenage years. Recommend by Social Workers. https://raisingchildren.net.au/babies/parenting-in-pictures
Wheelie Momma is a blog and website by Sarah Griffiths who has Cerebral Palsy and uses a wheelchair. Sarah is a blogger, writer, coach and motivational speaker. She blogs about parenting in a wheelchair and has written a young children's story related to being a disabled parent, called 'My Mum's a Superhero'. https://wheeliemomma.co.uk/
Department of Health, Easy Read, Having a Baby. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/520211/choice-Leaflet_5.pdf
Healthy Eating and cooking
Mencap Easy Read Visual Recipe Book. https://www.southwiltsmencap.org.uk/news/easy-read-cookbook-bromley-mencap
CookABILITY - Visual Recipe Videos, United Response for people with learning disabilities on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=cookability
The Cyrenians Good Food Pictorial Recipe Book. Programme is a social enterprise with a mission to bring good food and healthy lifestyles to people who are experiencing disadvantage, isolation, poverty, homelessness and social exclusion. They have produced a visual pictorial recipe book for easy follow recipes. https://cyrenians.scot/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Cyrenians-Recipes-1.pdf
Food - A Fact for Life about healthy eating, cooking, recipes, safety, hygiene and food life skills. http://archive.foodafactoflife.org.uk/section.aspx?t=0&siteId=19§ionId=144
Food - A Fact for Life, Healthy Eating, Eat Well Plate. http://archive.foodafactoflife.org.uk/section.aspx?t=0&siteId=19§ionId=131
NHS BMI Calculator and tips to be healthy. https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-weight/bmi-calculator/
Accessible Chef. https://www.accessiblechef.com
RNIB Cooking for Those Who are Blind or Have Sight Issues. https://www.rnib.org.uk/information-everyday-living-home-and-leisure-adapting-your-home/cooking
Online Safety
Stay safe online resources Mencap resources aimed at those with a learning disability https://www.mencap.org.uk/advice-and-support/bullying-and-discrimination/stay-safe
Suffolk Learning Disabilities Partnerships Staying Safe online https://suffolkordinarylives.co.uk/resources/staying-safe-online-resources/
Social Media online safety https://oursafetycentre.co.uk/safetycards/
Change People Keep Safe online https://www.changepeople.org/Change/media/Change-Media-Library/Blog%20Media/Keeping-Safe-Online-Easy-Read-Guide-Small-File-Size.pdf
Ability Net charity Technology, computer help for overcoming disability https://abilitynet.org.uk
Call Scotland apps and other technology for overcoming physical disability, sight issues, autism, Dyslexia, communication issues, and complex disability they have app wheels recommending apps for different conditions and posters recommending different technology and software https://www.callscotland.org.uk
Money Management and budgeting resources
Money Advice charity resources for those with a learning disability https://arcuk.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Helping-young-people-with-learning-disabilities-to-understand-money.pdf
Mencap learning disabilities money resources https://www.mencapliverpool.org.uk/latest/easymoney-factsheets/
United Response have a range of Banking made Easier Resources. https://www.unitedresponse.org.uk/making-money-easier
Financial Conduct Authority Guide to Everyday Banking Easy read. A very comprehensive sum up of everyday banking. https://www.fca.org.uk/publication/documents/everyday-banking-easy-read-guide.pdf
National Autistic Society. A Guide to Managing Money for people on the Autism Spectrum. http://life-skills.middletownautism.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2017/10/Managing-Money-Workbook.pdf
NAS Managing Money free online course for young people and adults with Autism to learn about managing money Managing money (autism.org.uk)
The Money Manual from The Money Charity offers budgeting information to help you with budget planning and how to build a budget. It also covers savings and types of borrowing, types of banking, types of insurance, to understanding your payslip and sources of income. https://themoneycharity.org.uk/media/The-Money-Manual.pdf
NatWest Money Sense Online Budgeting Game: See if you can manage your finances for three months with this game aimed at young people. https://natwest.mymoneysense.com/students/students-16-18/the-budget-game/
General math and English resources
Cool Maths. https://www.coolmathgames.com large range of simple computer style math games. Also includes not just maths but logic and thinking games.
BBC Skillswise Maths, English and job related skills help for adults. http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/0
Corbett Maths. has good resources, in terms of Maths videos and worksheets with lots for GCSE, but also lower level maths like KS2. https://corbettmaths.com/
Khan Academy. Lots of subjects. https://www.khanacademy.org
Maths TV. offers free Maths videos on lots of topics. https://www.mathtv.com
Math Antics. math You tube videos covering a range of fairly basic topics including numeracy, fractions, statistics and basic algebra. https://m.youtube.com/user/mathantics
Maths is Fun. www.mathsisfun.com has different topics, activities and some worksheets.
Top Marks. Offers a huge range of entry type simple math games that are like computer games https://www.topmarks.co.uk
Math Bot. Has a questions generator with answers and marking, lots of visual Manipulative’s. Suitable for lots of levels up to GCSE see https://mathsbot.com
Citizen Maths - free online everyday maths course for adults aimed at level 2 equivalent to GCSE Maths grade C. https://www.citizenmaths.com/ . Uses video tutorials and practical questions in your own time at your own pace. Citizen Maths introduce their course in this YouTube video. https://youtube/XETrn2Jk5lQ
BBC Bitesize has activities and games for a range of subjects, like Maths and English at National Curriculum Key Stage 2 and up. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize
Mathagon Creative math site with lots of valuable resources including very useful array of virtual Manipulative’s with a polypad, faction tiles and much more, also a section or origami and lots of shapes and downloadable nets, an insight look at the timeline of mathematics and those that were very important in maths. A useful look at the everyday use of maths such as in different real life industries and careers such as from computer games to medical uses to the weather and much more. There is a Tangram builder , lots of great math games and more. https://mathigon.org/origami/octahedron
United Response Easy News Read about news and politics. Very informative but simple and with photos to help. https://www.unitedresponse.org.uk/easy-news
Dekko Comics are educational content comics aimed at KS2 and KS3, covering many topics, like Maths, English and Science. It was set up by a young man with Dyslexia and shows how he runs a successful business overcoming his Dyslexia. He used comics himself to pass exams and then got this idea. https://dekkocomics.com
Young Enterprise Spending Sense resources especially useful for SEN https://www.young-enterprise.org.uk/resources/spending-sense-special-needs-resource/
Gate House Adult Books for Struggling Readers. https://www.gatehousebooks.co.uk
English Grammar website with lots of activities to improve your understanding of grammar. https://www.englishgrammar.org
Quick Reads. Short engaging stories for adults to get your attention where you have difficulties reading or focusing due to a mental health condition. The stories are from best selling authors and celebrities. https://readingagency.org.uk/adults/quick-guides/quick-reads/
Kids Reading 2 Kidshttps://kidsread2kids.com/ This site offers lesson plans, games and audio video classic stories read by young people for young people, free.
Sound Discovery Phonics. (Reading and Literacy course for all ages). http://www.syntheticphonics.net/sound-dicovery.php
Read Ahead Sixth Book Challenge. You read six books, including newspapers, record them and get a certificate. https://readingahead.org.uk/about
Read Well Road. Simple set of 48 stories aimed at adults who are Entry Level readers, that offers questions for the stories and word lists. Entry 1 to Entry 3. http://www.readwellroad.com/page11.html
Commtap Adaptable speech therapy resources for all aspects of communication and social skills https://en.commtap.org/tapsheet-search/results/taxonomy:5%20content_type:lang_tap?classification=5-dev_description-tap
Pobble 365. https://www.pobble365.com/ A Creative Writing English site where a new image is published each day to use as a creative writing prompt. Story starters, questions and drawing ideas all provided free.
Doorway Online Practice Time. Interactive game (Entry Levels). http://www.doorwayonline.org.uk/timeandmoney/abouttime/
Doorway Online Practice British Money. Cashing in game (Entry Levels). http://www.doorwayonline.org.uk/activities/cashing-in/cashing-in.html
Doorways Online Practice British Money. Until We Meet Again game (Entry Levels). http://www.doorwayonline.org.uk/timeandmoney/tillwemeet/
Doorways Online Basic Memory and Matching. Online games. http://www.doorwayonline.org.uk/memoryandmatching/
Doorways Online Learning to Type resource games. http://www.doorwayonline.org.uk/typing/
Doorways Online Practice British Money. Supermarket game (Entry Levels). http://www.doorwayonline.org.uk/timeandmoney/supermarket/
Doorways Practice Numbers. Range of Maths games (Entry Levels). http://www.doorwayonline.org.uk/number/
Doorways Online Literacy. Very basic spelling (early Entry Level). http://www.doorwayonline.org.uk/literacy
GCSE Level Resources
Disability Awareness Training
NHS Disability Matters lots of different disability awareness training resources ideal for organisations staff training Disability Matters Hub
NAS Autism online training very good includes lots of lived experience videos from individuals with autism Online training (autism.org.uk)
Another option for learning is to try TED Talks. These are on a huge range of topics by leading experts intended to be thought provoking, leading ideas that often get you thinking and can be inspiring and very informative as well as up to date and very interesting on masses of topics. You can search for disability to get motivational speakers, insight into life with different conditions and talks on the latest research and ideas. There are lots on science and technology, as well as lots of life topics. Here you can see talks related to disability. https://www.ted.com/search?q=disability
Useful Reference general education websites
TedED Educational, informative fun short, videos on many different topics and aimed at different levels. See what you can find! TED-Ed@Home Daily Newsletter | TED-Ed
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